
Teritori Q3 Report

13 Nov 2023

2 min read

Teritori Q3 Report

This is a detailed report on the latest developments of Teritori Core. Teritori recently hit a milestone of 50,000 registered users with 5,000 active users. This achievement is particularly significant as Teritori has yet to implement a marketing strategy and is solely dedicating our resources to development.

Teritori OS - Q3 Development Report

Multisig v0.1

A Multisig wallet is a wallet managed by multiple addresses and cannot be used by a single person without the signature of the others. This is particularly useful in the case of a social group, organization, company, or even a group of friends, who can thus manage funds together, and ensure that none of the members can spend the money without the agreement of the others. Every interaction with the blockchain will always require the validation of other members of the multisig.

The R!OT on EVM

Teritori had a long delay in developing the EVM versions of "The RIOT" game. Devs made their best, but these delays were unfortunately necessary strategic choices because the team was too dependent on different technical challenges to deliver quickly. Devs have now completed this step, and the game should be available soon on the Polygon network in Teritori OS. The team has already started working on the next version because it is important to deliver a much more complete and exciting gaming experience than a simple staking-based Play2Earn. Teritori therefore began experimental work on a game based entirely on Skill2Earn logic, and with a much more sustainable economic model. This work will be revealed once we have a stable version.

In-app Notifications

The team currently building notifications that will allow any user logging into Teritori OS to see at a glance all the activities that took place while they were away

In the current state of our development, the Teriroti team considers that the network is still in the Alpha version, and many things still need to be improved. The team works hard to prioritize each need as efficiently as possible

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