Stakewolle Governance 21.04
21 Apr 2023
1 min read

Stakewolle votes Yes on Osmosis proposals #160 and #161. Prop#160 will fix CosmWasm multisig contract. The CosmWasm multisig contract has additional features that the native Cosmos SDK multisig may not have. It can be used to distribute mint revenue and royalties, launch collections, manage NFT vaults, and more. Users who need these additional features may find the CosmWasm multisig contract more useful. Prop#161 for Marketplace v1.3 Migration. We agree to migrate the Stargaze Marketplace from V1.2 to V1.3. This update will implement a new buy-now message and bugfix for trading with 0 royalties
Stakewolle votes Yes on Umee prop#75. We agree to increase the supply cap from 300K to 500K for stATOM and 1M to 2M for stOSMO.